Canasta Familiar
"Since our Food Access Coordinator, Martha, started Canasta Familiar in 2022 she connected with a mom whose son fell into a battle with addiction leading to legal trouble. Martha connected the mom with a lawyer in town and after serving time he attended a rehabilitation center in the Twin Cities.
Over a year passed without seeing the mom again until the holiday season in 2023 she attended a food distribution with a young lady and 2 small kids. Martha approached the mother as she recognized her to ask how her son was doing. Unfortunately, the son passed away and left behind his girlfriend and two kids. The mom referred the girlfriend to Canasta Familiar as she was going through a difficult time and missed work on several occasions. |
Canasta Familiar was a small relief for the young woman as she didn’t have to worry about groceries. The young woman was able to make food for the holidays by cooking turkey that was distributed and maseca (flour). The young woman mentioned how helpful it was to access Canasta Familiar and used it as an opportunity to get out of bed every morning and bond with her two girls while cooking."