"Lucy is a local high school student and was seen at her school for her recall dental cleaning. At the time of her appointment, the hygienist found ten teeth with suspicious areas, and one was an urgent need because Lucy was in pain. The teeth that were referred are the same teeth found at her appointment six months before. Unfortunately, even with our program providing access to care, many still face barriers and go without the needed care. Luckily, at the time of her second referral for treatment, she was able to schedule a restorative appointment. At the first restorative appointment, her permanent tooth was the urgent referral received a pulp debridement to relieve her pain, our staff worked with a partner dentist, and her tooth was extracted a few days later.
Lucy returned to our office for two more appointments receiving ten multi-surface fillings. She is fortunate to have received the treatment she needed to have a healthy mouth. If Lucy had received treatment when the cavities were first noted, she might not have needed to have a permanent tooth extracted. Many barriers get in the way and prevent care. CDHS is working to remove as many barriers as possible.
Lucy will graduate high school this year and, in turn, will graduate from our program. Our providers will work with community partners to help find her an adult dental home so she can continue her preventative dental care and receive any restorative care she may need in the future. We are proud to have been her dental home and send her into her adult life with a healthy, happy smile."