Adams Area Ambulance Service
"I’ll never forget my first major ambulance call. There happens to be many calls that seem to be routine, where a patient needs to be transported to the hospital because they have no other means to get there. Even chest pains, strokes, and falls with broken bones didn’t seem so major after this one. The one where a little girl passed away. That day I had to go back home as if nothing happened and still get my children ready for school where I knew they would hear about it. That day I was still on call for all the other routine calls or major calls that might still come in. I still needed to be ready for them.
The United Way of Mower County has helped to provide continuous training to myself and all the volunteers on my service. Continuous training means any call that comes my way, I am ready for. The continuous training creates muscle memory so I can jump in and ask the right questions, and provide the correct care.
While everyone’s first major call sticks with them, we are still ready for more calls. That preparation keeps us focused on the moment and what we are capable of doing to help the next patient.
If not us, then who? If not me, then who?"
While everyone’s first major call sticks with them, we are still ready for more calls. That preparation keeps us focused on the moment and what we are capable of doing to help the next patient.
If not us, then who? If not me, then who?"
- Adams Area Ambulance Service Volunteer