Join us for this adult only, fun filled night to support United Way of Mower County's Backpack Program. Children enrolled in the program receive a backpack filled with food to take home on weekends and holiday breaks. The food is designed to provide children who may rely on school for food with nutritious kid-friendly meals and snacks. Backpacks are discreetly given to children at the end of the week to take home. During the 2022-2023 school year, this program served over 600 students every week, totaling over 20,000 bags of food provided to students in Mower County.
What: Bingo Night with the Backpack Program
Why: Support efforts to provide food to Mower County students When: August 11, 2023, doors open at 5:00, Bingo starts at 5:45 Where: Austin Country Club What to expect:
How to participate:
Attend the event - a ticket to the event includes appetizers and one drink ticket. Bingo cards need to be purchased separately in order to participate in bingo. All profits from the event goes directly to supporting the Backpack Program.
Attend the event - a ticket to the event includes appetizers and one drink ticket. Bingo cards need to be purchased separately in order to participate in bingo. All profits from the event goes directly to supporting the Backpack Program.
Sponsor a child - you have the opportunity to sponsor a child through the program for a month, a semester, or an entire school year. If you are unable to attend the event, this is a great option to contribute to the program.
Buy an Auction Item - browse our auction items that have been generously donated and place your bid! Bidding is now open and will close Friday, August 11 at 8:00 p.m. during the event.